>'Amazon coat' is a hit 中国羽绒服在美成爆款 A $129.99 winter coat by Chinese fashion label Orolay has become a number one best-seller on Amazon, becoming so popular it is now known as the "Amazon coat," after going viral on social media. The Women's Thickened Down Jacket has been reviewed more than 6,000 times on the e-commerce site and comes in five colors, with shoppers saying they are delighted to have got their hands on one. Its success is due in part to the influence of shoppers' peers, according to Alexis DeSalva, a senior retail and e-commerce analyst at consultancy Mintel. 56% of women aged 18 to 34 would be willing to buy something because a friend posted about it on social media, compared to 38% for all age-groups, according to a survey. Some shoppers will be attracted by the element of discovery, according Michelle Whelan, chief executive of marketing agency Geometry UK. "Influencers, celebrities, moms and teens are all connected through the purchase of a coat. An unknown coat (not a Canada Goose expensive coat) available on the most democratic retail platform in the world, at a price that everyone can afford," Welan said. 近日,中国时尚品牌OrOlay生产的一款售价129.99美元的冬装外套成为电商网站亚马逊上的头号爆款,此前这款外套走红社交网络,如今由于太受欢迎,被人们称之为"亚马逊外套"。这款女士加厚羽绒服有五种颜色,在亚马逊上已被评论逾6000次,买家纷纷表示他们很高兴买到这款羽绒服。咨询公司Mintel的高级零售和电商分析师亚历克西斯•迪萨瓦表示,这款产品的成功在一定程度上归功于买家群体效应。调查显示,年龄在18-34岁之间的女性中,56%的人会因为朋友在社交媒体上发布了某样东西,而愿意购买同样的东西,相较而言在全年龄组中,这一比例为38%。英国市场营销机构Geometry首席执行官米歇尔•惠兰表示,一些购物者会被发现元素所吸引。"网红、名人、母亲和青少年通过购买一件外套被联系在一起。一款不知名的外套(不像加拿大鹅那么贵),在全球最大众化的零售平台上可以买到,而且价格人人付得起。"

>Face-changing causes stir 影视剧主角'换脸'引热议 A classic Chinese drama clip whose heroin's face was changed with that of another actress has gone viral, stirring a heated debate on AI-based image synthesis technology and the possible backlash it may face in the film and TV industry. Yang Mi's face acts naturally in the clip from wuxia television series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", making it appear as if the role of Huang Rong was done by her. The classic female role was played by Athena Chu in fact. The video was uploaded to Bilibili, a popular Chinese video sharing website, by a netizen named "Huanlian Ge", who is a loyal fan of Yang. On Weibo, a popular Chinese social media platform, discussions regarding the video have attracted over 120 million views and more than 12,000 comments. Many people, though amused by the trick, saw it as a form of disrespect to the original actress, while others said that it violated her personality rights. 近日走红的一个视频片段中,一部经典国内影视剧的女主角的脸被换成了另外一个女演员的脸,引发了人们对基于人工智能的图像合成技术及该技术可能给影视产业带来的负面影响的热议。这个剪辑自武侠连续剧《射雕英雄传》的视频片段中,原本由朱茵饰演的经典女性角色"黄蓉"的脸被换成了杨幂的脸,效果跟杨幂亲自上阵一样逼真,完全没有违和感。该视频是由网友"换脸哥"上传至国内流行视频分享网站哔哩哔哩上的,他是杨幂的忠实粉丝。在国内人气社交媒体平台新浪微博上,关于换脸视频的讨论吸引逾1.2亿人阅读,评论超过1.2万条。虽然对换脸技术感到新奇,但许多人认为这是对原演员的不尊重,还有人认为换脸行为侵犯了原演员的个人权益。

>Do we look like our names? 研究:'人如其名'确实存在 Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem examined whether a person's appearance can be influenced by their given name. To do this, they recruited independent observers and showed them color headshot photographs of complete strangers. Then they presented a list of names to the observers and asked them to choose the stranger's real name based on his or her facial appearance. The observers repeatedly beat the odds of correctly identifying a person's name based on their facial appearance alone. The researchers also found that observers are less good at guessing the given name of people who use a nickname exclusively. This indicates that a person's appearance is affected by their name only if they use it, and not if it simply appears on a birth certificate. "We suggest this happens because of a process of self-fulfilling prophecy, as we become what other people expect us to become," said Dr Ruth Mayo, senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 耶路撒冷希伯来大学的研究人员们研究了一个人的外表是否会受到名字的影响。为此,他们招募了独立观察员,并向观察员们展示陌生人的彩色头像照片。随后观察员被要求根据照片中人物的样貌,从提供的名单中选择出陌生人的真实名字。这些观察员仅凭面部样貌来识别名字的正确率多次超过理论上的概率值。研究人员还发现,观察员不太能猜对那些只使用昵称的人的真实名字。这表明一个人的外表只会被他实际生活中使用的名字所影响;如果这个名字只是出现在了出生证明上(生活中并不使用),那么他的外表并不会被其影响。希伯来大学心理学系高级讲师鲁斯•马友博士称:"我们认为其原因在于自我应验预言,我们会成为他人期待我们成为的人。"

>Chinese enters Saudi schools 沙特所有学校开汉语课 Saudi Arabia has decided to include the Chinese language in the curriculum at all stages of education in Saudi schools and universities. The decision was made during the recent visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud to the Chinese capital Beijing, said a report by Saudi Press Agency. In an effort to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between Saudi Arabia and China and to deepen the strategic partnership at all levels, both sides agreed to include the Chinese language in the curriculum at all stages of education in schools and universities across the country, said the report. The Chinese language will enhance the cultural diversity of students in the kingdom, and contribute to achieving the future national goals in the field of education in Vision 2030, the report said. 沙特阿拉伯已决定将汉语纳入沙特从中小学至大学的所有教育阶段的课程之中。据沙特通讯社报道,近日沙特王储穆罕默德•本•萨勒曼访问中国首都北京时作出了这一决定。报道称,为加强沙特阿拉伯同中国的友谊与合作、深化各个层面的战略伙伴关系,双方同意将中文纳入沙特中小学及大学各个教育阶段的相关课程。汉语将促进沙特学生的文化多样性,有助于实现"2030愿景"有关教育领域的全国性目标。 Find more audio news on the China Daily app.