Volume 562 Issue 7726, 11 October 2018

Common genetic variants contribute to risk of rare severe neurodevelopmental disorders
作者:Mari E. K. Niemi, Hilary C. Martin, Daniel L. Rice, Giuseppe Gallone, et al.
Abstract:Patients with the same genetic defect can have different clinical presentations, and some individuals who carry known disease-causing variants can appear unaffected. Here, to understand what explains these differences, we study a cohort of 6,987 children assessed by clinical geneticists to have severe neurodevelopmental disorders, often in combination with abnormalities of other organ systems. Although the genetic causes of these neurodevelopmental disorders are expected to be almost entirely monogenic, we show that 7.7% of variance in risk is attributable to inherited common genetic variation. We found that common-variant risk was not significantly different between individuals with and without a known protein-coding diagnostic variant, which suggests that common-variant risk affects patients both with and without a monogenic diagnosis. In addition, previously published common-variant scores for autism, height, birth weight and intracranial volume were all correlated with these traits within our cohort, which suggests that phenotypic expression in individuals with monogenic disorders is affected by the same variants as in the general population. Our results demonstrate that common genetic variation affects both overall risk and clinical presentation in neurodevelopmental disorders that are typically considered to be monogenic.
Principles of nucleosome organization revealed by single-cell micrococcal nuclease sequencing
作者:Binbin Lai, Weiwu Gao, Kairong Cui, Wanli Xie, et al.
研究人员报告了一种叫作单细胞微球菌核酸酶测序(scmnas -seq)的技术,可用于同时测量单个细胞中的全基因组核小体定位和染色质可及性。
研究者发现了脱氧核糖核酸酶I(DNase I)超敏位点核小体间隔的双峰分布,该分布与不可及和可及状态相对应,并且与核小体变异和细胞间可及性的变异有关。
大量的原始CD4 T细胞和小鼠胚胎干细胞显示,在其各自分化谱系中检测到的新生增强子中,核糖体的占用减少,这表明在未分化的细胞群中,存在着准备分化为特定谱系的细胞。
Abstract:Even in a homogenous population of cells, cells exhibit heterogeneity in expression in response to active signalling that may be related to heterogeneity in chromatin accessibility. Here we report a technique, termed single-cell micrococcal nuclease sequencing (scMNase-seq), that can be used to simultaneously measure genome-wide nucleosome positioning and chromatin accessibility in single cells. We found a bimodal distribution of nucleosome spacing at DNase I hypersensitive sites, which corresponds to inaccessible and accessible states and is associated with nucleosome variation and variation in accessibility across cells. Nucleosome variation is smaller within single cells than across cells, and smaller within the same cell type than across cell types. A large fraction of naive CD4 T cells and mouse embryonic stem cells shows depleted nucleosome occupancy at the de novo enhancers detected in their respective differentiated lineages, revealing the existence of cells primed for differentiation to specific lineages in undifferentiated cell populations.

Extended Data Fig. 3: Measuring uniformity in nucleosome spacing in single cells. 测量单个细胞内核小体间距均匀性
Electronic noise due to temperature differences in atomic-scale junctions
作者:Ofir Shein Lumbroso, Lena Simine, Abraham Nitzan, Dvira Segal & Oren Tal
研究者报告了对一种基本电子噪声的测量,该噪声是由纳米级导体之间的温差产生的,研究者称之为“delta-T 噪声”。
Abstract: Since the discovery a century ago of electronic thermal noise and shot noise, these forms of fundamental noise have had an enormous impact on science and technology research and applications. Here we report measurements of a fundamental electronic noise that is generated by temperature differences across nanoscale conductors, which we term ‘delta-T noise’. Our findings show that delta-T noise is distinct from thermal noise and voltage-activated shot noise. Like thermal noise, it has a purely thermal origin, but delta-T noise is generated only out of equilibrium. Delta-T noise and standard shot noise have the same partition origin, but are activated by different stimuli. We infer that delta-T noise in combination with thermal noise can be used to detect temperature differences across nanoscale conductors without the need to fabricate sophisticated local probes. Thus it can greatly facilitate the study of heat transport at the nanoscale.
Solution-processable 2D semiconductors for high-performance large-area electronics
作者:Zhaoyang Lin, Yuan Liu, Udayabagya Halim, Mengning Ding, et al.
Abstract:Preparing high-quality solution-processable 2D semiconductor nanosheets remains a challenge. We report a general approach to preparing highly uniform, solution-processable, phase-pure semiconducting nanosheets, which involves the electrochemical intercalation of quaternary ammonium molecules into 2D crystals, followed by a mild sonication and exfoliation process. By precisely controlling the intercalation chemistry, we obtained phase-pure, semiconducting 2H-MoS2 nanosheets with a narrow thickness distribution. These nanosheets were then further processed into high-performance thin-film transistors, with room-temperature mobilities of about 10 square centimetres per volt per second and on/off ratios of 106 that greatly exceed those obtained for previous solution-processed MoS2 thin-film transistors. The scalable fabrication of large-area arrays of thin-film transistors enabled the construction of functional logic gates and computational circuits.

Extended Data Fig. 1: Molecular intercalation and exfoliation of MoS2 nanosheets. MoS2纳米片的分子插入和剥落
An evolving jet from a strongly magnetized accreting X-ray pulsar
作者:J. van den Eijnden, N. Degenaar, T. D. Russell, R. Wijnands, et al.
Abstract: Relativistic jets are observed throughout the Universe and strongly affect their surrounding environments on a range of physical scales, from Galactic binary systems1 to galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Here we report observations of an evolving jet launched by a strongly magnetized neutron star accreting above the theoretical maximum rate given by the Eddington limit. The radio luminosity of the jet is two orders of magnitude fainter than those seen in other neutron stars with similar X-ray luminosities9, implying an important role for the properties of the neutron star in regulating jet power. Our result also shows that the strong magnetic fields of ultra-luminous X-ray pulsars do not prevent such sources from launching jets.

Fig. 1: Marginal posterior distributions for the distance to Sw J0243. 到Sw J0243距离的边际后验分布。
Nearly all the sky is covered by Lyman-α emission around high-redshift galaxies
作者:L. Wisotzki, R. Bacon, J. Brinchmann, S. Cantalupo, P. Richter, et al.
Abstract: Tracing cosmic hydrogen through its Lyman-α emission has been a long-standing goal of observational astrophysics, but the extremely low surface brightness of the spatially extended emission is a formidable obstacle. A new window into circumgalactic environments was recently opened by the discovery of ubiquitous extended Lyman-α emission from hydrogen around high-redshift galaxies. Such measurements were previously limited to especially favourable systems or to the use of massive statistical averaging because of the faintness of this emission. Here we report observations of low-surface-brightness Lyman-αemission surrounding faint galaxies at redshifts between 3 and 6. We find that the projected sky coverage approaches 100 per cent. The corresponding rate of incidence (the mean number of Lyman-α emitters penetrated by any arbitrary line of sight) is well above unity and similar to the incidence rate of high-column-density absorbers frequently detected in the spectra of distant quasars. This similarity suggests that most circumgalactic atomic hydrogen at these redshifts has now been detected in emission.

Extended Data Fig. 1: Spatial distribution and redshifts of the Lyα emitter sample.
Trade-offs in using European forests to meet climate objectives
作者:Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Guillaume Marie, Aude Valade, Yi-Ying Chen,et al.
Abstract:It remains to be confirmed whether commonly proposed sustainable European forest-management portfolios would comply with the Paris Agreement—that is, whether they can reduce the growth rate of atmospheric CO2, reduce the radiative imbalance at the top of the atmosphere, and neither increase the near-surface air temperature nor decrease precipitation by the end of the twenty-first century. Here we show that the portfolio made up of management systems that locally maximize the carbon sink through carbon sequestration, wood use and product and energy substitution reduces the growth rate of atmospheric CO2, but does not meet any of the other criteria. Our results demonstrate that if present-day forest cover is sustained, the additional climate benefits achieved through forest management would be modest and local, rather than global. On the basis of these findings, we argue that Europe should not rely on forest management to mitigate climate change.

Extended Data Table 1 Changes in surface area of European forests by 2100 for six different forest-management portfolios. 到2100年,用于6个不同的森林管理组合的欧洲森林面积的变化。
Effects of climate warming on photosynthesis in boreal tree species depend on soil moisture
作者:Peter B. Reich, Kerrie M. Sendall, Artur Stefanski, et al.
Abstract:Climate warming will influence photosynthesis via thermal effects and by altering soil moisture. Both effects may be important for the vast areas of global forests. Here we show that the effects of climate warming flip from positive to negative as southern boreal forests transition from rainy to modestly dry periods during the growing season. In a three-year open-air warming experiment with juveniles of 11 temperate and boreal tree species, an increase of 3.4 °C in temperature increased light-saturated net photosynthesis and leaf diffusive conductance on average on the one-third of days with the wettest soils. In all 11 species, leaf diffusive conductance and, as a result, light-saturated net photosynthesis decreased during dry spells, and did so more sharply in warmed plants than in plants at ambient temperatures. Consequently, across the 11 species, warming reduced light-saturated net photosynthesis on the two-thirds of days with driest soils. Thus, low soil moisture may reduce, or even reverse, the potential benefits of climate warming on photosynthesis in mesic, seasonally cold environments, both during drought and in regularly occurring, modestly dry periods during the growing season.

Fig. 1 Soil water (VWC) in relation to day of year. 土壤水分(VWC)与时间的关联。
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